Just a few pieces of Pyrex- with out new vintage 1960's thrift store fan |
I have a confession...I am addicted to Vintage Pyrex, The funkier the better. And I am sucking my husband into my addiction through the gateway drug of ...gasp...Fire King Vintage Coffee Cups. Fire king was the Anchor Hocking version of Pyrex/ Corelle. Yes, it is true, my plates are Corelle as well :)
Fire King Glassware |
Ahh, Pyrex, Vintage Pyrex,,,,sigh!
There is nothing better than the retro glass. Microwave safe, oven safe and dishwasher safe. Mine rarely sees the dishwasher as that can wear the finish.
Pyrex is always in use in our house. They are not just collector pieces. A thought that would terrify any serious collector. The bowls are used to mix cookie dough, the dishes bake meatloaf and cornbread and at any given tine there are several Pyrex containers of food in the fridge.
The pieces I covet and do not own are the colored mixing bowls like my grandmother had when I was a child. 4 bright primary colors in graduated sizes. It would tie in to my eclectic mix of Pyrex chaos in the cupboard. I am hinting for Christmas so we shall see. (He reads this sometimes so I may stand a chance). Actually any Pryex will work.
What is your secret...or not so secret addiction......