The last few weeks between dealing with asthma, anaphylaxis and day to day work my free time has been spent sewing. And yes, the last line does read anaphylaxis. As in use the epi-pen and call the EMS. Unfortunately, the shot I was taking to improve my asthma, does have the potential side effect of anaphylaxis.
Luckily, I had been fully schooled by my doctor and the medical clinic that gave me the shot on how to deal with a potential reaction. Still it was incredibly frightening and it forced me to have an adult babysitter for 24 hours. Sigh!
So my free time has revolved around simple sewing that I can do in my lovely air conditioned home. I had hoped to garden and it was not to be due to heat and the crazy that life threw at me.
Patterns have been slowly been added to my stash, as has fabric. The evil fabric stash... I swear there is no walking into a fabric store without purchasing a yard or two. Thank goodness for coupons and a military discount. When traveling to Tampa there is a much larger fabric store with many more choices than the stor at home. It forces me to purchase at least a yard or two of sumptuous fabrics or a pattern that can't be had in the local store. My granddaughter was the pleased recipient of a Frozen sundress that she helped to make last Saturday. The fabric was purchased on my last trip.
Thus far there have been 2 pairs of shorts, one skirt, and 4 blouses added to my wardrobe. Only 3 of the 4 blouses are ones that can be considered "wearable" in public. Not too shabby for a beginner. Pictures will follow on another post. Next up for my sewing pleasure is a sixties style blouse, followed by either a pair of lipstick red Capri's or a wrap dress. All dependant upon my mood and maybe my ability.
Life permitting, seeds will be started for the garden that will be going in the ground in a couple months. Then gardening posts and picture will follow.
Here is to learning to sew my own wardrobe.