I love life!

Hi, I am Jo and this is my blog about my life. Here you will find entries on cooking, gardening, food safety and the interesting things happening in my search for an inexpensive and healthy way of living. My home is located in North Florida and I am relearning how to take care of myself at almost 50. This is the deep South so my garden and season may be a bit different than yours. I look forward to seeing what you have to say as time passes. Read on and have a beautiful day!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Oven Dried Tomato's

There has been an increase in tomato production in the garden over the course of the last couple of weeks. What to do? What to do?..... Oven dried tomatoes of course. I made these last year and they have been - heavenly.

Simply quarter or halve the tomatoes depending on size and place them in your oven on a low heat. Then walk away for a while. It may take anywhere from 8 to 10 hours for them to dry.Why not a dehydrator you ask? Because mine does not work well on tomatoes and they get moldy before they are dry.  Silly Florida humidity.

When the tomato quarters are dried and slightly chewy dip them in (about 1/4 C.) balsamic vinegar you have simmering on the stove. Then pack into jars with a garlic clove that has been simmered in the vinegar as well.  I like to add fresh marjoram and fresh rosemary as I am packing the quarters into the jar.  Pour in the vinegar and then cover completely in olive oil, cap and refrigerate.

The post below says you can seal them and they are shelf stable. I prefer to keep min in the fridge. Oh, and the oil is awesome on pasta and pizza!      

    When needed simply remove from the jar and use on pizza, salads and pasta. So yummy when only store bought tomato's are available and there is no comparison!!!!

This explains it a bit better- Enjoy!!!!

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