I love life!

Hi, I am Jo and this is my blog about my life. Here you will find entries on cooking, gardening, food safety and the interesting things happening in my search for an inexpensive and healthy way of living. My home is located in North Florida and I am relearning how to take care of myself at almost 50. This is the deep South so my garden and season may be a bit different than yours. I look forward to seeing what you have to say as time passes. Read on and have a beautiful day!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Wild and crazy!

Sometimes, I just want to be wild and crazy. Most of the time I am a normal, stressed out working wife and grandma.

Please, don't mistake me- I have an amazing life, a great husband and a home many can envy. Every once in while it would be good to shake things up.  The most exciting thing in my life lately was running a 5K on Thanksgiving. That was OK but not anything insanely crazy. It was not even spur of the moment as I freakin' had to train to be able to finish.

The last time we tried spur of the moment we wanted to take the RV to Koreshan State Historic site for a few days. It was booked- nothing open til January. Seriously. Nothing at any of the local parks. We stayed home and got caught up on life.

There was a time, many moons ago, that I would poke my finger at a map and just get in my car and drive. I went on vacations alone, I went camping, I took day trips to festivals that sounded good or to towns I had never been to before. After all who hasn't been to Why Not, N.C.? Great artsy place it you have an inkling for a day trip.

The mind boggling part? I knew it wasn't forever and dreamed of a home with a loving husband and a garden. Seriously- a garden. Of course it was some big macho mountain man and we were going to live in Alaska, (I had the cabin plans all picked out) and survive on our homestead. Sigh- and I would have chickens. It was a very updated Little House on the Prairie- Little Cabin on the Tundra maybe? But with Chickens, don't forget the chickens.

Somehow, I ended up with a better man than I could have dreamed of, a 3 bedroom in the burbs in Florida and a garden. No snow, no fireplace, no chickens and not at bad at all. That is how it worked out. Now there is no desire for Alaska except maybe to visit and I am ok with having a store a few miles away.

Maybe now we just need to plan a little more wild and crazy- minus the youthful hangovers. Or maybe my wild and crazy now is joining a permaculture group and working towards finishing a half marathon. Someday I can look back and say, "There was a time many moons ago that I had a garden........."

What is your wild and crazy??            


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