I love life!

Hi, I am Jo and this is my blog about my life. Here you will find entries on cooking, gardening, food safety and the interesting things happening in my search for an inexpensive and healthy way of living. My home is located in North Florida and I am relearning how to take care of myself at almost 50. This is the deep South so my garden and season may be a bit different than yours. I look forward to seeing what you have to say as time passes. Read on and have a beautiful day!

Friday, October 2, 2015

Gave up and gardened

After starting a pity party post I realized how pathetic it sounded. While reading it through prior to posting a burst of energy overcame me and I simply said screw it to the pity party! The result of the burst is a clean house, a garden bed cleared with pole beans planted and even the trellis for the beans is up. Go me!!! The best medicine out there is gardening!!!!
Garden as of today...don't look too close.
A few of the seeds that went in this year so far.


  1. Well, we do know the best medicine for a pity party is inspiration! Heh. Wish I lived where things would grow all year around, I envy you your winter garden. The only thing I'd miss would be fruit trees. I just finished putting up the last of the pears. We didn't get any peaches, apricots or plums this year and the nectarine tree died, but we did get enough pears for about 28 quarts, about a gallon of pitted Nanking cherries (I bet you could grow them there) and of Sand Plums and Chickasaw Plums (native to Oklahoma). We got a few apples, too, but they are not what ArborDay said they'd be and are not tasty enough to be eaten out-of-hand. I'll make a little applesauce, I guess. My Braeburn apple tree was new this year, so no apples from it yet. But I guess if I lived in Florida I'd prolly grow avocado, fig and citrus. Hugs xoxoxo

  2. Hey Ilene-
    Agreed on inspiration. The garden keeps me going when things are tough.
    I miss the northern fruits a lot. We can buy them in the stores but we are a bit too far south to grow even the Florida bred versions.
    We have star fruit, avacado, papaya, calomondine (mini sour orange), muscadine grapes, barbadoes cherries, figs, meyer lemon and blueberries all that produce. Not producing yet are bananas, persimmon, mulberry and kiwi. I am sure I am forgetting something.
    You have winter and we have the hot humid summers where we can grow a few items like collards and sweet potatoes and maybe a couple tropical veg but even those are tough sometimes. Summer is our down time. :) I usually make cherry jam and papaya jam with the fruits. A lot of the others we give away if we can't eat all of them fresh or we freeze them for later use.
    Hugs back at ya :)))


Your comments are always appreciated and I love to hear what you think. Especially my overseas reader! Have a great day!